Webinar: Simplify SAP EH&S - all product data at a glance
With practical examples
Our SAP add-on CLC-PADD® Product File gives you access to all product data in just one tool without additional data maintenance and effort. Find out more about the range of functions and the associated flexible integration and expansion options in this webinar.
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The webinar has already taken place (approx. 60 minutes)
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Interested in our webinar?
Register now free of chargeIn the webinar you will learn ...
how an innovative add-on solution can be used to bring all SAP and non-SAP data into one overview without additional effort,
what tried-and-tested solutions are available,
how a user-friendly user experience and future-oriented alignment can be realized and
a maximum data security standard in accordance with SAP guidelines can be ensured.
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If you would like to find out more about us or get to know us, please contact me!
Dirk Langendörfer

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